
Fall homeschool planning.

So, next fall we will, Lord willing, begin our first foray into 1) official, state-registered homeschooling, and 2) first grade.  And so I am attempting to make sure that we are covering all our bases, and covering them well!  Because I am expecting to be greatly pregnant by the time we begin, and have a newborn halfway through the year,…

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On the first day of school…

Julie / September 5, 2012

Oh they are growing up.  This is the first year we are going to really “do school,” in a formal way—we’ve been kind of sporadic up until now, thanks to pregnancy and such major life changes.   But now we’re on! Ellie is four.  So not legally allowed to begin kindergarten in our state… yes, I actually wrote to the…

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Homeschooling, Printables

Another pre-k printable.

Julie / September 15, 2010

John’s New Coat ““ 8-page minibook,16 word flashcards (752kb PDF) (Note that the pages are out of order on the PDF so that they will print in order after they’re folded.) So this is probably becoming obvious, but I really like putting together my own little bits of curriculum to use in school with E.  First there was the Twinkle…

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