We used cloth diapers with E until she was getting pretty mobile and I felt bad for the poor child who seemed to have her mobility severely hindered by the bulky prefolds and covers. So I missed out, the first time ’round, on the astounding expense of diapering a newborn. When R was born, I was subsequently ignorant and thought…
Year: 2010
Finding My Routine, Part II
Today has been day two, and so far, the routine is really working. In fact, today it worked so well that I felt completely underwhelmed by my work load! 🙂 Although, the vast majority of the credit goes to the fact that yesterday–my initiating day–I found myself home alone for a very, very long time. (The girls went to the zoo…
Welcome to Monday.
Mondays are really difficult! Is it like this for everyone? There’s all this stuff that’s stacked up from the weekend–because usually we’re doing more “fun” stuff on Saturday, and gone virtually all day Sunday–and toys and dishes are scattered everywhere, and I haven’t had time to do housework all weekend, so the floor is messy and crummy and needs a…