
Pre-K 2

Julie / August 20, 2010

(Yet another short post at the end of a long, yet fun, day that sucks the brains right out of you.) One thing I’ve been thinking about pretty seriously is trying to put together a somewhat formalized “curriculum” to use with E this year.  I think it will really help me to have the structure and goals actually sketched out,…

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Homemaking, Time Management

Using Evernote for Homemaking

Julie / August 19, 2010

Evernote is, I admit, relatively new to me.  I’d read about it quite a bit, but didn’t quite realize that it was free or so completely cloud-based (i.e., everything syncs to online). Using multiple computers scattered around the house is definitely an essential part of the way I do home organization.  Part of this is because our house is two-storey,…

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Things I am thankful for: cleaning supplies

Julie / August 17, 2010

This would be better titled, “Things I can’t live without,” except, well, in God’s sovereignty we can pretty much live without anything! Kitchen I love those little Dobie scrubbies.  Seriously, I just ordered a case of “˜em off Amazon.  The secret?  Stop thinking of them as dishrags.  They work amazingly, fantastically, and cleaning-fluid-free-ly on countertops.  And walls.  And refrigerators.  And…

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