So, I had great plans of publishing this weeks ago–it was complete in the particulars–but I wanted to finish/polish a few things and life has not exactly cooperated! Hopefully this will be better (and earlier) in future months. Here’s the plan (DOC), based on two Bountiful Blessing boxes and one fresh fruit and veggie box: Download a PDF. The main…
Year: 2010
Just pretend this is a baby book.
I am a poor record-keeper. Which is a bit odd, since I enjoy writing, but somehow these things–the days of first steps, first words, trials and triumphs–they escape my notice. This attitude was quite solidified the first time E got into some “precious” item of my own past and did it some damage, and I realized that the here-and-now reality…
Halloween thoughts.
I have been thinking about why I like Halloween so much, especially since so many other Christians think it’s Satanic. But it’s probably my second-favorite holiday, after Christmas. It’s the most neighborly holiday we have. If Christmas is when we’re nice to strangers, Easter is when we go to church, and Thanksgiving is when we’re nice to family, then Halloween…